Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day six in the sunny/rainy MB

Day 6! over half way done...very sad...yet i think im getting to the point of being ready to head back home to my people i miss!
The day started off quite well..untill Beth Anne told me i had to get out of bed. So out of bed i came and us girls headed out to do girl stuff....
After arriving home we broke into groups and headed for the beach

Who let him drive???
Don't ask me...

It was beautiful on the beach, over cast and cool and breezy.

we started to hear some thunder and decided it might be a good idea to head to cover. As soon as we got up off the beach we realized there was a HUGE thunder head headed right for us. We expedited for home which was not very fast considering our golf cart goes mock speeds of like 10 mph...
In further news the the sky was incredible!...and the batteries on my camera were very much dead. so no great pictures of the thunder clouds! very sad.
However we did try and chase the storm...we all piled into the car and off to find storm.

Beth Anne ran the 4 of us storm chasers around. then it poured!

Yeah im not really sure...
Poor Beth Anne, she has been doing an AMAZING job of keeping us all safe, healthy and FED! she cooks amazing food every night =)
Matt..being mat...
After the storm passed we headed for the waverunners!


AHHHH!!! who let him drive???
so i left my camera safely in a vehicle while we headed for the island...the next few hours were spent tubing and running around on waverunners. We also found a couple of dolphins and sat out in the ocean and watched them for about an hour. John tried to kill Tim and himself on the waverunner but didn't succeed, they will live. incredible, and kept beating myself up for not having a camera.
So the sun started to set and we were heading for home when i decided screw it im getting pictures of the sunset, so john took me back to the car, grabbed my camera and off i went with my very expensive camera on the waverunner, in the water to shoot the sunset..i must be crazy.
Definatly worth it!

Passing other waverunners...hey i know them!
We also hit speeds of 56 mph.

The island we hang out on.

So i decided i wasn't happy with staying in the calm channel and so yes me and john procceded to head out over the breakers and into the ocean!

Crossing the breakers, i can now say ive jumped waves with my camera...

middle of the ocean shooting towards shore.

my fearless driver!

And back home safely with out dropping the camera =)
Afer heading home getting all cleaned up and eating another amazing meal.
I settled into edit my photos from the day and enjoy some earl grey tea, sooo good.
Now i feel like an old person and ready to hit the bed!
Jeff and Laura were also apparently ready for some rest =)

Random quotes of the day -
I almost killed us - John

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